Delivering our LIVINWell Program during COVID-19

Delivering our LIVINWell Program during COVID-19

2020 has become the year of adaptation and uncertainty which is why, now more than ever, the provision of mental health support and awareness is so important. 

The team at LIVIN are closing watching as the demand for mental health support and education continues to grow daily at an unprecedented rate, a rate which has been growing since the aftermath of the 2019-2020 bushfires. 

Now, with the increasing struggles and pressures coming from the restrictions and escalated sense of urgency generated from the daily changes of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of us have had to evolve in how we go about our usual routines, including our organisation. 

Like most workplaces and organisations, our way of 'doing things' has had to change and although it has been challenging we have - and are still - persevering and ensuring that our LIVINWell mental health educational program is still available to those who reach out and request it with a number of options available:

LIVINWell Schools

With most schools still operating under some form of social distancing restrictions if not through online learning, we are able to offer alternatives to the traditional form of delivery to large year levels of students.  The LIVINWell Schools Program is delivered at no charge to the school or the students and is our way of giving back to the community through the generosity of the donations and fundraising our organisation receives from our incredible supporters and partners. 

LIVINWell Classrooms

A number of schools have booked in several sessions across 1-2 days enabling the LIVINWell Schools Program to be delivered by one of our LIVINWell facilitators to year levels in a classroom style setting in order to comply with social distancing whilst still ensuring the year level as a whole, receives the same program and information on mental health awareness. 

LIVINWell for Teachers

The pressures on teaching staff throughout the first half of 2020 has been extremely demanding and stressful and we are receiving more requests from schools to have the program delivered to their teaching staff.  Having a LIVINWell Program delivered to staff is a proactive way to engage staff in important conversations about their own mental health in addition to the conversation flowing down to the students themselves. 

LIVINWell Workplaces  

We have seen many workplaces alter the way their staff works and the way they do business and appreciate there is a lot of apprehension in many industries on job security, business operations and personal financial obligations which is why we continue to encourage workplaces to encourage and create a culture where staff are educated in the importance of speaking up and reaching out for help if needed.  Our LIVINWell Workplace program can be delivered in person or online for a donation fee. 

LIVINWell in the Workplace

Our LIVINWell facilitators are able to deliver our program to your workplace face-to-face with your staff.  This is a productive way in getting your team together in the same space and being a part of the awareness of self-care and the importance in being aware of the mental health state of themselves and of each other. 

LIVINWell Online

We appreciate that every workplace is different with many organisations still working somewhat remotely which is why we have developed our LIVINWell Online option which can be delivered to your staff online and is still facilitated by one of our LIVINWell facilitators who are online throughout the entire time of the program. 


We would also like to acknowledge that with the ever-changing developments in restrictions, workplaces and schooling, particularly in some states, that our LIVINWell Program may not be an option for some schools and workplaces. 

However, we welcome you have a look at some of the other resources we have available including our LIVIN YouTube Channel which contains episodes of Podcast and also some short videos on mental health tips.  

We also have our Tips and Tricks sheet which can be printed out in addition to our Support Posters that can be printed and distributed in schools and workplaces. 

After additional resources, such as posters? Send us an email to! 

We would also encourage anyone who is really struggling to reach out for support.  LIVIN have a wonderful partnership with SANE Australia who provides an online forum available 24 hours a day, otherwise please speak with your GP or professional health services. 

Together, we can all get through this. 

It Ain't Weak To Speak.