The Power of Giving

The Power of Giving

This week, our team at LIVIN HQ had the privilege in meeting a truly inspirational individual when Alex from The Give Initiative 2018 dropped by to personally deliver his generous donation to our organisation. 

What made this donation so special is where the donation came from, straight from Alex's salary - half of it to be exact.

In July of this year Alex started his incredible selfless initiative of donating half of his salary to a different charity organisation, every month for six months.  In addition to his personal financial contribution, Alex adds an extra dimension to his already generous donation by hosting a specifically chosen event for his selected charity to further fundraise and bring awareness to the cause he is supporting. In August we received an email from Alex advising that the charity he had chosen for his August initiative was the LIVIN organisation. 

Alex had a few obstacles for his monthly fundraising drive as his full-time job in the Australian Air Force had him away from his Ipswich base for three of the four weeks he had to raise funds. So he chose to participate in the Bridge to Brisbane a couple of days after getting back, with no chance to train, running in the pouring rain, whilst fighting the flu. We had the opportunity to sit down with Alex and understand not only how generous he is with his donation but more importantly his time that he sacrifices and the bigger picture on why he is doing what he is doing. 

Alex is not after self-glory, he is purely after making a difference for the better and proving that everyone has the power to give.  Life is better when you can help others. Click here to check out the video on Alex's pledge to LIVIN and continue to follow the entire journey through his The Give Initiative 2018 Facebook page leading up to and completing the Bridge to Brisbane.

Our team was moved and inspired with Alex's outlook on life and will continue to support him through his entire 2018 Give Initiative and the other worthy causes he chooses to support.

We are humbled by all of our supporters who continuously go above and beyond in spreading awareness for our organisation and mental health, but more importantly continue to inspire us to be the best we can be when it comes to helping others. Alex, you are truly a LIVIN Legend.
