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20 life changing conversations.

Each piece of LIVIN apparel that is worn has on average at least 20 life changing conversations about mental health.

What our community are saying

“As a long time sufferer of mental health and having recently lost my close relative to suicide, I feel empowered when I am wearing LIVIN merch. I have been touched on multiple occasions by conversations shared with others that were prompted by the “It Ain’t Weak to Speak” slogan.”

“Obviously it’s a trendy and fashionable brand, but more importantly it’s a worthy cause that supports others. It starts a conversation around a sensitive topic without even having to talk about it. From wearing the merch, it almost whispers to strangers, ‘ I’m here, I support you’.”

“I have been touched on multiple occasions by conversations shared with others that were prompted by the “It Ain’t Weak to Speak” slogan.” It starts a conversation around a sensitive topic without even having to talk about it.’.”

“As a long time sufferer of mental health and having recently lost my close relative to suicide, I feel empowered when I am wearing LIVIN merch. I have been touched on multiple occasions by conversations shared with others that were prompted by the “It Ain’t Weak to Speak” slogan.”