Why we need to check In with ourselves and each other

Article by: Kelly Malloy
With actions such as ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-isolation’ now dictating our way of life, it can be easy to unconsciously start withdrawing from social connection as our everyday routines and interactions change drastically.
We’re no longer speaking with our work colleagues in the office every day, seeing other parents at school drop-off, catching up with friends for a drink or even stopping to chat to our neighbour who’s walking the dog. We are only going out when we have to and there is no stopping for a chinwag if we do happen to see someone we know.
Through this change of behaviour, now more than ever is when we need to make a conscious effort to not only check in with others but to check on ourselves and make sure we’re doing okay. This is why we are encouraging everyone to ‘Check In’ and keep this notion of checking up on loved ones – including ourselves - in the forefront of everyone’s minds.
The simple gesture of reaching out to someone – or everyone! - whether it be by phone, a chat through FaceTime, Zoom catch up or yes, even a text message, can make the smallest difference in letting them know that someone is out there checking in on them.
The benefits of Checking In with others
- Reinstates the feeling of social connection
- Allows people to be reassured they are not alone
- Encourages others to do the same and maybe check in on a loved one
- Encourages self-care – check in on yourself! You are the most important person in your life!
- Releases those happy hormones we get when we feel good about doing something for others
- It doesn't have to be a big deal, simply sending a text to someone asking 'How are you going?' is a great way to check in.
- It may be the one thing that makes someone reach out and ask for support
The benefits of Checking In with yourself
- Simply asking yourself every day, 'How am I feeling' and making yourself answer that question (even aloud if you like!) can help process your thoughts and feelings.
- Checking in with yourself reaffirms that you are worth looking after and you are just as important as everyone else.
- It may remind you are allowed to reach out for support if you're struggling, even if it's just calling a friend and having a chat with them about your feelings.
- Checking in can be a positive experience. If you are feeling flat, maybe suggesting something to yourself that you would suggest to a friend 'How about sitting outside for a few minutes and doing some breathing exercises?'.
- Checking In with yourself can simply be your 'You' time.
So what are you waiting for?! Check in with a mate, your family, your work colleagues, yourself and if you feel like sharing the LIVIN love, Tag us in a post (@livinorg) and we can share the love and pay it forward. #CheckingIn
Take care of yourselves and each other.
If you're struggling and need some support, check in with our Get Help page for organisations that can help.