Griffith University gets LIVIN on film

Griffith University gets LIVIN on film

It always amazes us at LIVIN how things come together and how our message and organisation attracts such incredible and inspiring people. 

Last month the organisation was contacted by supporter, Ann Ricketts, who sadly lost her son earlier in the year.  Her son, Kieran Ricketts, was a talented and prominent figure and contributor to film and television especially within his position at the ABC which led to LIVIN's introduction to the incredible team at the Griffith Film School in Brisbane. 

The Film School has created a unique initiative called 'Industry Engagement' through LiveLab which is the commercial arm of the Griffith Film School and an in-house production studio which allows the second year film students to make real content for real clients, mainly not-for-profit organisations that do not have the resources to produce such content. 

LIVIN had the recent privilege through our introduction, to submit a brief for consideration as being one of the 24 projects that the students work on for their assessment.  

"It (Industry Engagement) is something we offer pro-bono, working mostly with charities and not-for-profits." Explains Senior Lecturer of Griffith Film and Creative Director of LiveLab, Richard Fabb.   "I was really impressed when I checked out LIVIN."

After being advised that LIVIN's submission was successful, some of the team had the honour of meeting the students who will be creating our video piece for the organisation which will focus on the LIVINWell Program

"As a representative of LiveLab and Griffith Film School, my team and I are honoured to be working with LIVIN to create a short video about their LIVINWell Program which is presented to students and businesses to help break the stigma around mental health and mental illness." Said film student and project producer, Harriett Williams. "We believe that this video will help spread the word about the benefits of this program and as a result, many lives will be saved."

We sincerely thank all of the team and faculty at the Griffith Film School and acknowledge how important connection is through the introduction from one of our supporters and look forward to together, making a difference and helping to educate and break the stigma surrounding mental health. 

Stay tuned for further updates!


       LIVIN Co-Founder Casey Lyons with students from Griffith Film School; 
       Harriett Williams (Producer), Chloe Lambert (Associate Producer), 
       Tania Mangifesta (Editor), Lizzie Hennessey (Director), 
       Casey Wycherley (Sound), Ryan Jackson (DoP) and
        Arun Ketsirut (Griffith Film School Project Supervisor).