How your fundraising is making a difference

Our organisation is extremely fortunate to have the support of so many incredible businesses, schools, sporting clubs and individuals who continuously find ways to spread awareness on mental health and raise funds to help us break the stigma surrounding mental health.
We are often asked where all of these generous donations go and last week we had the opportunity to show a few of our amazing fundraisers first hand, exactly where their money went and how much of a difference it makes to our organisation and those who directly benefit from the funds raised.
Earlier in the year Condev Cares, an initiative created by Condev Construction, hosted a charity golf day in which they donated $10,000 to the LIVIN charity. In addition, we were also introduced the absolutely incredible story of Mark Otte completing the entire Kokoda Trail in Papau New Guinea all to raise awareness for mental health and all to raise funds for LIVIN.
Both Mark who bravely completed the gruelling Kokoda Trail and Andrew Clancy from Condev Cares, joined our team as we visited Somerset College on the Gold Coast on R U OK? Day to deliver one of our LIVINWell Schools programs.
"It meant a lot to see that the fundraising we achieved through our charity golf day was being used so proactively in the community." Said Andrew from Condev Cares. "The LIVINWell Program that was delivered to the students at Somerset College was inspiring to be a part of and we know that it will make such a positive impact to those who participated."
The fundraising efforts from individuals like Mark and organisations such as Condev Cares from Condev Construction, enables us to visit high schools around the country and deliver our LIVINWell Program to school students with no financial obligation from the school.
"This (program) is really empowering for people to speak up if they have issues in their lives." Said Year 10 Somerset College student, Nada Wilson.
Our work in the community and delivery of our mental health educational program is only possible because of the continuous support and fundraising donations that we receive and we are eternally grateful for all of those out there who continue to support breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.
If you are interested in creating a fundraising initiative for the LIVIN Organisation to help us to continue to educate and spread awareness on mental health, click here for more details.
Click here to watch the Channel 7 News Story on LIVIN's visit to Somerset College.