LIVINWell delivers to Shell

LIVINWell delivers to Shell

Mental health and wellbeing is important to any industry but there is a growing understanding that FIFO (Fly In Fly Out) workers, are more susceptible to struggling with mental illness and general mental health. 

It's reaussuring to see that so many companies are addressing this important issue and introducing mental health strategies and even engaging mental health organisations to bring mental health to the forefront of conversation for their workers. 

LIVIN was recently invited by Shell Australia to deliver three LIVINWell Workplaces Programs across two days to over 400 workers throughout the Gladstone and Curtis Island. 

"When you hear the statistics of mental illness, you get a real understanding for the LIVIN movement and prevention initiatives." Said Shell QGC, Darren Budgen. "The LIVINWell Program sends a very powerful message to everyone, raising awareness about a subject that is commonly avoided because of the stigma surrounding it."

In addition the LIVINWell Program being delivered, nine Shell employees from the Gladstone office further supported the LIVIN Organisation via the Shell Employee Community Grant by donating a combined total of $4,500 which will contribute towards our LIVINWell Schools Program.

"Mental health awareness is important to ensure teenagers, young adults, families and anyone struggling with a problem, know where to find the correct support and assistance."

We sincerely thank the team at Shell for providing the opportunity to deliver mental health awareness and education to their team and to those who further contributed though the Shell Employee Community Grant which will ensure we can keep delivering awareness and our message that It Ain't Weak to Speak. 

If your workplace is interested in having a LIVINWell Workplaces Program delivered at your workplace, contact our team today.