Mental health support in bushfire affected regions

Mental health support in bushfire affected regions

As the Government pledged $76 million for mental health services and resources to specifically support those who were directly affected by the ongoing bushfire crisis, it is important for all of us to remember that the bushfires are still burning and people are only just coming to terms with what they have been through. 

Our LIVIN Psychologist Luke Foster, was posted in the Gippsland region as part of the initiative to provide on-the-ground mental health support to those who need it.    

Luke took the below photo after meeting with the owner of the property and had this to say: 

"Here we have pictured a five bedroom 'dream' home destroyed by the recent fires. The owner personally took me here today by choice.

Defining resilience is hard and definitions vary, but the owner said to me on-site, 'My husband and I have and will continue to reflect on the four years of beautiful memories created here, and we look forward to new memories in our new home some day.'  She followed up with 'the place is gone but it's history remains in our hearts and minds.'"

Our thoughts go to all of those communities who are recovering from the fires and to those that are still living through fires and we urge everyone to continue supporting these areas and communities who still need our help. 

If you need support, please visit our Get Help Page for organisations that can help.