The Week that was Mental Health Week 2020

This year mental health awareness has taken on a whole new role of importance as 2020 continues to deal out so many unprecedented challenges.
With challenges can come change and with change can come opportunity which is what we found throughout Mental Health Week 2020 delivering our LIVINWell Program in ways we had never done before.
Throughout Mental Health Week, LIVIN was involved in an increased amount of initiatives through the delivery of our LIVINWell Program to volunteers, high school students, teachers, sporting clubs, community groups and not for profit organisations.
In addition to our LIVINWell programs we had several LIVINWell Online Programs which were delivered virtually enabling us to reach workplaces and groups we may not have been able to otherwise connect with and engage with through our educational program.
As the demand for mental health awareness and conversations surrounding support continues to grow, we also encouraged everyone to set aside some time each day throughout Mental Health Week for our Daily Challenges and it was awesome to see so many people getting on board and sharing their experiences through social media and with each other.
We also had some incredible initiatives and donations happening throughout the week from our legendary supporters and a number of new events registered for the coming months, which is humbling to see since it's such a difficult time for so many.
In whichever way you got involved in Mental Health Week, we thank and congratulate you for taking the initiative to somehow be a part of spreading awareness on mental health which continues to break the stigma surrounding mental illness and ultimately reminding everyone that It Ain't Weak to Speak and to make every week, Mental Health Week.