Episode 3: Anxiety Isn't Weakness
Posted by Brianna Ansaldo on
For decades anyone who felt depressed or struggled with anxiety was thought to be weak. We have been living in a society and culture that supported this “suck it up” and “man up” culture which is extremely unhealthy and not at all what is needed.
Episode 2: Dan Price Speaks On Why He Perfected The Art Of Smiling Depression And Thriving After A Suicide Attempt
Posted by Top Livin on
Our guest today, Daniel Price is an amazing guy who has turned his life around after two suicide attempts in the context of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. He became known to our LIVIN organisation a few years ago, whilst LIVIN itself was still in its infancy, and he now identifies as a passionate change-maker, storyteller and educator in the mental health, suicide prevention and wellness space.
Episode 1: LIVIN - Why It All Began with Co-Founders Sam Webb and Casey Lyons
Posted by Top Livin on
In this episode and for the very first time, co-founders and childhood friends Sam Webb and Casey Lyons open up and discuss the motivation behind the creation of LIVIN: the unexpected suicide death of their dear friend, Dwayne Lally in the context of mental illness.