Meet the women of LIVIN

Women's Health Week 

6-10 September 2021 

Women’s Health Week is an annual health awareness campaign, led by Jean Hailes’ for Women’s Health and is the biggest week in Australia focusing on good health and wellbeing for women and girls. During the week, Jean Hailes encourages women, communities, and workplaces to get involved by talking about women's health, sharing health messages, and shining the light on women and girls.

Being a grandmother, a mother, a partner, a sister, a daughter, a friend can no doubt be precious, but it can also be hard work at times. Especially, when for some women, it can feel like there’s an expectation that they are to be kind, nurturing, home-oriented and sensitive to other’s feelings… all the time. The pursuit to aspire to these impossible expectations, to be a ‘superwoman’ can sadly mean that many women across Australia do not make their own health and wellbeing a priority.

Ladies… It’s time to prioritise YOU, you absolutely deserve it!

  • 1 in 6 women experience depression
  • 1 in 3 women experience anxiety
  • Women experience higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder and eating disorders than men
  • More than 1 in 7 new mums experience postnatal depression. Postnatal anxiety is just as common
  • Self-harm in young women is on the rise
  • On average, in Australia 2 women die by suicide every day

As part of Women’s Health Week, we are introducing you to the WOMEN OF LIVIN. These inspirational women are real and diverse but all equally committed to helping break the stigma of mental health in their own unique ways.

Jess Raper