Bundamba College welcomes it's LIVIN Leaders

At LIVIN we are often humbled by the lengths schools and organisations go to promote our message that It Ain't Weak to Speak.
This week was no exception when LIVIN Co-Founder Sam Webb was invited to Bundamba State Secondary College in Ipswich, Queensland to participate in the presentation of the school's newly initiated LIVIN Leadership team. The initiative was created by the school with the aim of proactively keeping the discussion going amongst the students on the importance of understanding mental health and creating a support network throughout the school.
This is the second year the school has instigated the LIVIN Leadership program with students whom are wanting to participate required to go through a number of processes in order to be awarded a place in the leadership team. The success of this particular school program can be seen through its empowering of the students to take responsibility for their own mental health as well as those who are around them and to keep the conversation going throughout the school year.
Some of the programs initiatives are based around the students coming up with specific health activities inside the school to promote well-being and push the mantra of “It Ain’t Weak to Speak”. A key part of the program will see each of the leaders trained up in Teen Mental Health First Aid training, which is a massive step in the right direction to see a behaviour change amongst young people.
Congratulations to the staff, students and parents of Bundamba State Secondary College for your positive and pro-active approach in in breaking down the stigma surrounding mental illness and putting such a strong emphasis on mental health education.
We look forward to seeing you again next year. For more information about the LIVINWell programs we provide to schools Contact Us today.