Von Bibra Supports LIVINWell at Benowa High School

Our mission at LIVIN is to educate and spread the message that It Ain't Weak to Speak about mental health issues.
To do this we need and receive the support of fundraisers and organisations that step up and to help us out and the amazing team at Von Bibra Auto Village who sponsored a recent visit to Benowa State High School on the Gold Coast. Our Gold Coast LIVINWell facilitator Alistair Mitchell presented two separate LIVINWell programs to senior classes at the school allowing a more intimate forum for students to be engaged, educated and be allowed the opportunity to understand the importance of speaking up when it comes to mental illness.
The LIVINWell Program for Schools was designed to present a program that is relatable to students. Each program is delivered by experienced facilitators who have been trained in Mental Health First Aid and have personally overcome their own experiences with mental illness.
With the support of such organisations such as Von Bibra Auto Village, our message is able to reach more people and make a difference in these high schools with the students, parents, teachers, staff and wider community.
If your school is interesting in having the LIVINWell program presented to your senior students, contact our head office today.