Miami State High School on the Gold Coast received an extra surprise when LIVIN Facilitator Alexa Towersey, was joined by Gold Coast Titan's Captain, Ryan James, after the delivery of a LIVINWell School's Program.
"Ryan introduced himself to me after I spoke at a fundraising event for LIVIN in Coffs Harbour. He was extremely enthusiastic about the message we were spreading and the awareness on mental health that we were sharing through our programs and asked if it was okay if he came along to one of our LIVINWell Schools Programs, and of course we said 'yes!'" Said Alexa.
A week later Ryan joined the team as they visited Miami State High School and Alexa delivered our LIVINWell Schools Program to the 900 students that made up the junior school. After the program had finished, Ryan spoke to the students about how much mental health affects even the toughest of rugby players and doesn't discriminate. "I've done interviews on television and spoke to tens of thousands of people in stadiums, but standing up there and talking about mental health was one of the toughest of things I've done but it's so important to do it." Ryan said after his talk.
Having a well respected sporting personality and player like Ryan speak up about mental health was another powerful affirmation for the students about speaking up breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and we thank him for spending the afternoon with us.
If you are interested in having a LIVINWell Schools Program delivered to your school, please contact our head office today for an enquiry form.