LIVIN Spreads the message at Endeavour Sports High

We had the recent privilege of speaking with the students of Endeavour Sports High School, Caringbah, New South Wales.
The high school is somewhat different to the mainstream high school curriculum by providing students with a balance between education and a specifically tailored sporting program. Students and staff alike can often struggle with the extra pressures surrounding performance both on and off the sports fields, which is why it’s so important that we continue to spread the message of speaking up when these pressures are too much to handle.
Through our LIVINWELL Program, we provide the social and emotional tools for students to understand mental illness and the organisations that are available to help them or a classmate. Our program openly discusses the stigma surrounding mental health and how the simple act of talking about it can lead to bigger conversations that some students may need to have.
Thank you to the amazing staff and students at Endevour for your hospitality and remember, It Ain't Weak To Speak.
If you would like LIVIN to speak at your school or organization, please contact our LIVIN head office.