LIVIN hits the Gold Fields in Western Australia

LIVIN hits the Gold Fields in Western Australia
It was a solid week of conversation, education and inspiration when Sam Webb, Casey Lyons and Luke Foster spent five days out on site at the Granny Smith mine just outside of Laverton in Western Australia. This project formed part of Gold Fields Vital Behaviours. The LIVINWell programs were delivered over several days at varying times to accommodate all of the employees and contractors, many of whom were shift workers and FIFO workers.  The commitment of  Gold Fields Australia who reached out to LIVIN and assisted with the implementation of the Granny Smith mine visit, was prevalent throughout the entire week with not just LIVINWell programs scheduled but many community events organised offsite and at local venues. The initiative for having such a large number of our LIVINWell programs delivered for one company was part of Gold Fields Australia Vital Behaviour Play which is 'targeted at employee well-being and demystifying the stigma associated with mental illness.' "You don't have to be a professional to save someones life, which was the motivation behind the development of the LIVINWell program" Sam said. "This program gives people the basic tools and understanding to look after themselves and someone else, which can be all that is required a lot of the time." This event at the Granny Smith mine was unique in many ways and an educational experience for both those that attended and our LIVIN team who facilitated the LIVINWell program.  "It was an eye-opening experience being in a community that is so isolated from any other town and has to be so dependent on itself and it's limited resources", said Casey who presented several of the programs at the Granny Smith mine.  "Getting the conversation going on mental health at these mine sites and remote communities is essential in giving these groups the tools where they can help themselves but just as importantly, understand how they can be a support for each other." "The core of LIVIN’s mission is the mantra 'It Ain’t Weak to Speak,' encouraging and inspiring people to speak up and seek the help they need. The LIVINWell Program provided important mental health education, delivered in a fresh and engaging way." commented Gold Fields Australia senior management. Many corporations and industries overall, are now placing mental health awareness and education as an essential part of their maintenance and care programs for the general health and well-being of their employees.  This movement of addressing mental health and possible mental illness in the workplace, is becoming a necessity for communities as a whole and we commend those businesses and organisations who step up and start the conversation on mental health. If you would like more information on our LIVINWell Program or would like more details on how your company can arrange a LIVINWell program, contact our LIVIN head office today. #ItAintWeakToSpeak