LIVIN hits the stage at Ignite Youth Careers Expo 2019

This year the LIVIN Organisation was invited to attend a fantastic initiative from the Logan City Council, the 2019 Ignite Youth Career Expo.
Located at the Logan Metro Sports and Events Centre, the Ignite Youth Career Expo provides high school students from around the region with the opportunity to connect, explore and learn more about the career paths available to them.
Just under 3,000 high school students from 25 different schools had the chance to walk around the exhibition and talk with representatives from a massive variety of industries.
Our LIVIN stand was a constant hive of activity as some of our team got to speak with the students and teachers about their goals, aspirations but also introducing many of them to our organisation and our LIVINWell Schools Program.
"At this year's Ignite Youth Careers Expo, we were wanting to incorporate a focus on the students well-being in addition to their career options." Said event organiser, Catherine MacDonald. "It was a positive and proactive addition having LIVIN included in the day both at their stall and in their presentation on stage for the students and teachers that attended."
We met a lot of inspiring students, some of us who follow us and know us well, others who spent time understanding exactly what we do and mental health in general. There were certainly a lot of interesting discussions from those students exploring the option of studying psychology which was great to hear!
Thank you to everyone from the following schools that attended and took the time to introduce yourselves to our LIVIN team who also learned and gained so much from being able to have meaningful conversations with so many inspiring students!
Parklands Christian College, Springwood State High School ,
Yeronga State High School , Kimberley College,
Shailer Park State High School, Loganlea High School,
Queensland Pathways State College, Park Ridge State School,
Emmaus College, Browns Plains State High School,
Kenmore State High School, Marsden State High School,
YMCA Vocational School (Kingston), Beenleigh State High School,
Kingston State College, Runcorn State High School,
Calamvale Community College, Chisolm Catholic College,
Stretton State College, Woodridge State High School,
Groves Christian College, Windaroo Valley State High School,
Mabel Park State High School, Saint Francis College Crestmead,
Looking forward to seeing you all next year and perhaps maybe even through one of our LIVINWell Schools Programs!
Remember, It Ain't Weak To Speak.
If you would like any information about our LIVINWell Schools Program and how to get our mental health educational program to your school, please click here to contact one of our team for more details.