LIVIN on the Rower

Edwin Asotasi prides himself on keeping in shape both physically and mentally which is in part, how he came up with the incredible initiative that pushes him through a demanding physical and mental challenge every day throughout the month of June.
"This month, I wanted to finish the first half of the year on a high. So thought I would do a 465 kilometre row over the month of June for 30 days." Said Edwin. The month-long initiative was set up that each day increased his distance according to the day, 2nd of June was 2 kilometres on the rower, 28th of June is 28 kilometres and so on.
On the 23rd of June, Edwin recruited a bit of support from 32 of his mates through the Breakthough Fitness community who spread themselves across 9 rowers on a rotating basis to help Edwin chip away at 23 kilometers - all for a common goal to raise awareness and funds for mental health and suicide prevention.
"I want to make a difference. I'm inspired by the work of LIVIN and wanted to support them by raising money." said Edwin between rows. "It’s a challenge but it’s all about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and is all inspired by the work of guys like Andrew Paps & Ben Seymour."
With only a few days, we encourage everyone to jump on board and support Edwin's Everyday Hero LIVIN on the Rower fundraiser or just show him some LIVIN love through his social media pages and follow him on his journey.
Thanks to legends like Edwin, our message on spreading awareness on mental health, continues to reach more people and hopefully encourages them to speak up and reach out if they need help.
Interested in creating your own fundraiser for LIVIN? Click here for more info.