Born in Mackay QLD, Amy is now settled in peaceful in scenic Beechmont with her two greatest achievements – better known as Tilly and Eddy. Amy came to LIVIN after she met Casey and, wanting to be a part of a team that is really making a difference, has been thrilled to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of people.
Growing up, Amy fancied pursuing a variety of creative endeavours: from filmmaker, to florist, to photographer. She’s currently in charge of our LIVINWear, with her tendency towards the multiplicity coming in handy as she takes care of all aspects of merch: from design, to production, logistics and orders!
Seems life in Beechmont has finally awoken something in Amy - a green thumb! For now, it’s led to a few new fruit trees and vegie patches, and hopefully in the near future, allow to grow all their produce!
Getting outside in my garden and connecting to nature. This is a really great mindfulness activity and also keeps me grounded. I also enjoy cooking, as a self-care activity lately! I used to cook to eat but I now enjoy cooking as a process and have loved experimenting with new recipes and foods. Cooking wholesome, nutritious meals make me feel good both physically and mentally.