Despite spending 5 winters denying her nature while chasing snow in the US, Jess is a proud Gold Coaster, born and bred. That being the case, Jess has known all about LIVIN from jump. “My brother played footy with Casey… and little did I know at the time so did my hubby!” Loosely knit, the Gold Coast community ain’t.
Jess is LIVIN’s full-time Marketing Manager, and her contributions are invaluable – we’re especially thrilled that it goes both ways though. “I was previously in the corporate industry working long hours and missing a lot of milestones with my girls’ early years,” she says, “since joining the LIVIN family, my family life has changed and for the better!”
Her family, Jess says, is without doubt her greatest achievement. That includes hubby… though the girls, Amelia and Jordie get a special mention (especially when it comes to the positively religious experience of Home and Away!).
Still, she is at the very least, a jack (and in some cases a master) of more than a few trades. Put her on a bargain hunt and she’s the Terminator: she will not stop, will not rest until the price is the best. Her USA snow years were spent as a ski and snowboarding instructor in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and between car, boat, jetski and security licenses, Jess has qualifications up to her eyeballs!
Personally I love to exercise, and when I do I feel so much better in myself. I try my best to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week.
In the last couple of years I have really taken an interest positive affirmations and have started a daily morning routine with my daughter Amelia. We both pick a card and spend time talking about what was on our card, reminding our selves of how worthy we are!
This is a wonderful opportunity for quality time and connection together.