SANE Australia forum on LIVIN

There has been a lot of exciting activity behind the scenes at LIVIN HQ over the past few months with different projects but one we are particularly proud to announce is the integration of the SANE Australia Forum through our LIVIN website for our supporters and the wider community to access.
To quote directly from the organisation itself, 'SANE Australia is a national mental health charity working to support four million Australians affected by complex mental illness. SANE's work includes mental health awareness, online peer support and information, stigma reduction, specialist helpline support, research and advocacy.'
We are proud to have this incredible online forum as part of our ongoing initiative to encourage those who are struggling to speak up and seek help. Whilst speaking to a friend, family member or mental health professional in person is recommended, support and assistance can be just as easily obtained and beneficial from other platfroms such as registered helplines and online forums, including SANE Australia.
The SANE Forum is a safe, anonymous mental health discussion, moderated 24/7 by mental health professionals and we encourage everyone and anytime to utlitize this valuable service and keep the conversation going.
Click here to check out the SANE Forum and remember, it ain't weak to speak.