Mental Health Week - the week that was

Posted by Top Livin on

Mental Health Week 2019 was a busy week on the LIVIN calendar with a huge range of events including: 

* LIVINWell Schools Programs

* LIVINWell Workplaces Programs

* Visits to professional healthcare facilities

* Fundraising initiatives 

* Mental Health Week Challenge campaign

And we even had a LIVIN Yoga Class held in the incredible Collective Minds Photography Exhibition on World Mental Health Day.

It was an incredible week where our organisation reached over 3000 participants through 18 individual LIVINWell Programs around the country and thousands more through our online campaign and social media platforms - all encouraging the important conversation around mental health.

We also farewelled the incredible month long initiative, the Collective Minds Photography Exhibition hosted by the Robina Town Centre which also saw the introduction of our first ever LIVIN pop-up store and we thank all of the talented photographers, sponsors, shoppers, the amazing team at Robina Town Centre and everyone that bid on the pieces or just popped into the exhibition to say Hello. 

All of these events combined created an incredible momentum bringing mental health to the forefront of the conversation and our aim here at LIVIN is to keep that momentum going every week of the year! 

If you are interested in getting involved in spreading awareness feel free to check out details about creating your own LIVIN event, having a LIVINWell Program delivered at your school, workplace or club, repping the cause with our LIVIN merch or simply just sharing the message

We appreciate all the support we received throughout mental health week in breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, we could not have done this without you. 
