Speak Even If Your Voice Shakes #DoItForDolly
Posted by Chris Hogan on
#DoItForDolly is the latest message against cyber-bullying and supporting those who suffer from depression because of it. Amy Jayne ‘Dolly’ Everett from the Northern Territory was 14 years old when she took her own life. A picture which Dolly drew just before her untimely death professed the words ‘Speak Even If Your Voice Shakes.’ This message resonates deeply with us at LIVIN as we strive to spread the importance of speaking up when life gets hard. The sad tale of the much-loved Katherine teenager has broken hearts around the globe with the image of her 6-year-old self, donning an Akubra hat and lighting up the world with a smile of pure innocence. The photo was taken 8 years ago and used for the iconic brands campaign and has inadvertently become the face of the growing issue of youth suicide across Australia. Akubra Hats shared the image of Dolly on their social media pages urging followers to be kind and to reach out for help when they need it. The Everett family are drawing strength from their daughters passing by sharing Dolly’s story in an effort to prevent any other families going through heartache they have endured. The LIVIN Team sends our condolences to the family and friends affected by this tragedy and promise to continue sharing our message that #ItAintWeakToSpeak and do our damnedest to help prevent this unnecessary loss of life. #DoItForDolly If you need to speak to someone or get advice on where to find help, check our Get Help page and please Speak Up.
Photo Credit: www.couriermail.com.au