HVTA hit a bullseye for LIVIN

It was an incredible weekend of sportsmanship, camping, family, friends, bows and arrows at the Hunter Valley Traditional Archers 2017 Charity Shoot.
This group of skilled archers along with family and friends, participated in an amazing weekend of archery and comradery whilst also raising awareness and funds for LIVIN.
Established in 1988 and based in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, the Hunter Valley Traditional Archers (HVTA) is a sporting group like no other. Through their enthusiasm and respect for traditional archery, their regular shoots and events are getting bigger every year. This year LIVIN received the privilege of being selected as their nominated charity for their annual Andrew Spiechowicz Memorial Charity Shoot which resulted in the incredible amount of over $9,000.00 being donated to our organization.
We would like to sincerely thank the organisers, members, volunteers, family and friends of the Hunter Valley Traditional Archers for their support and dedication in helping us spread the message throughout yet another sporting community, that It Ain’t Weak to Speak.
If you would like to support LIVIN at your next sporting event, check out our Fundraising Page for more details.