Today, 10th September 2020 marks R U OK? Day, and World Suicide Prevention Day across Australia.
What a year? Hit hard by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are in the midst of a recession, people are losing their jobs, their way of life, and in many cases people are becoming much lonelier. There is no doubt that lockdowns and restrictions are taking a toll on our national wellbeing.
This R U OK? Day we need to acknowledge more than ever that, It Ain’t Weak to Speak. No matter how small or insignificant you feel your struggle is, it is not. Please – SPEAK UP.
While today is the day where this question will be asked a multitude of times, and there will be countless ‘I’m fine’ responses. Did you know that social psychologists believe that this is one of the most common lies used in society?
We cannot heal what we do not reveal. There is a term in the psychology world, the ‘illusion of transparency” - which is the false assumption that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and needs are really obvious to other people. When we’re struggling, we often feel that it should be obvious to those around us which isn’t necessarily the case… mind reading is not a human trait.
We are all in this together. You are not alone.
Do you think someone you know might be struggling? Not sure how to reach out? What to say?
- R U OK? have some incredible resources, including conversations guides on 'How to Ask'. Click here
- Our LIVIN Psychologist also has some tips and tricks, to check them out, click here.
Are you struggling? Wish someone would ask you the question.. or they have, and you didn’t speak up? Head to the Get Help page on our website here for some wonderful support options.