A strength coach, motivational speaker, mental health advocate, and Sydneysider, Alexa’s involvement with LIVIN begins when she met Sam at an event in 2015. Soon after, they were housemates and training partners, and throughout this she was completely sold on the vision for LIVIN.
“Everyone has a story,” Alexa says, “and sometimes your story is the one they need to hear to start a conversation about their own… that’s the most rewarding part.” This compassion and empathy are certainly the cornerstone in Alexa’s drive to utilise her own lived experience to help others navigate their journey through emotional and psychological hardship, and it’s just as rewarding for all of us having her on board.
While schooltime aspirations of being able to fly haven’t exactly panned out for Alexa, she has honed an equally potent superpower: a voracious ability to devour Cadbury cream eggs unlike anyone has ever seen (at one time she was even titled ‘Champion’ in New Zealand for said skill).
Deep in her hidden past is a floor-slamming, vice-gripping, face-chairing WWE alter-ego by the name of Glacier. It’s no surprise she has a fear of sharks so strong it has steered her clear of Australian waters – if she didn’t have a weak point, she’d be too powerful by far!
Change your language, change your life.
You’re not “suffering” from a mental illness. You’re LIVING with one. Just changing that one word gives the entire conversation a new feel. It can be the difference between feeling hopeless and being hopeful.
Every day we have up to 60,000 thoughts, with around 80% of them being negative. That’s HUGE. Especially if those thoughts are being transformed into words, and those words are dictating actions and those actions are creating lifelong habits.
So how do we overcome the tendencies of the mind to avoid the positives and cling onto the negatives?
Baby steps. Start small. Note the negative words you use on a consistent basis and ask yourself how you can change them. Can you be “frustrated” instead of “devastated?” Or on the flip side, can you feel “ecstatic” instead of “pleased?”
YOUR internal dialogue can change your life.
Remember - you’re not struggling, you’re BEING CHALLENGED. And there’s plenty of ways that you can rise to that occasion.