“I think I actually saw someone wearing a shirt on the Gold Coast, and then it magically started appearing in my social media feed!” Tegan says, and we agree – whatever brought her to us must have been magic.
She was selected for an international leadership program called Ship for World Youth (Australia, Japan, Palau, the Solomon Islands!); she’s been on a tour of duty with the Royal Australian Navy (on deployment to the Middle East); she’s even got an electrical trade.
From a young age she knew where she was headed though. “I knew I liked solving problems and helping people, so I wanted to be a nurse.” While she may not have headed into nursing, she’s certainly doing her part. Working on government projects ticks off the ‘solving problems’ bit, while her role as a facilitator with LIVIN fulfills the desire to connect with and help people. “I love knowing that something I might say could be the difference for someone to identify the signs and speak up, rather than continuing on in pain.” That’s the magic Tegan brings to LIVIN.
She does have one more trick up her sleeve… she can identify the inside colour of a Clinker lolly before she bites into it! Spooky.
My mental health tip is to think about what you're doing with your body when you feel your best and find an activity that gets you feeling those vibes.
For me, I struggle if I've spent too much time inside and can feel like I lose perspective. I love to get out for a hike, especially when you are rewarded with views like these at the top. The fresh air, sun on your face, pumping heart and views can remind you the world can be so much bigger than your bubble.
Also sleep, don't underestimate the benefits of a good powering down and reboot!