Von Bibra keeps LIVIN moving

We couldn't do half of the work we do in South East Qld without our LIVIN van and are forever grateful to the awesome team at Von Bibra Auto Village for getting us out there to schools, sporting teams and events so we can keep smashing the stigma surrounding mental health.
Our LIVIN van has been kept extremely throughout not only the Gold Coast, but all of South East Queensland. The demand for our LIVINWell program has been instrumental in keeping us all extremely and able to attend events and LIVINWell programs.
The Cargo LDV 80 finished off with some impressive LIVIN signwriting is often seen zooming around the GC and is the reason we can get to our venues on time and with all of our materials for events and presentations. Recently the van was used by one of our LIVIN Ambassadors to transport our marquee and signage to a community fundraiser event at Killarney for their annual Picnic Basket Day which was a great success.
If you see our van driving around, make sure you give us a beep and wave as we keep spreading the message that It Ain't Weak to Speak.