SANE Australia forum on LIVIN

SANE Australia forum on LIVIN

There has been a lot of exciting activity behind the scenes at LIVIN HQ over the past few months with different projects but one we are particularly proud to announce is the integration of the...
Foodie Friday Challenge! Nutrition and your mental health

Foodie Friday Challenge! Nutrition and your mental health

Nutrition and your mental health. You are what you eat! Such an overused metaphor, but not too far from the truth. Sure, if you eat a hamburger, you won’t turn into a walking Big Mac,...
Mindful Drinking

Mindful Drinking

Knocking off work early for a few social drinks on a Friday or catching up with some friends on a Sunday afternoon over a few drinks, is a fairly common occurrence in work and social...
Therapeutic Thursday Challenge - Speak Up & Seek Support

Therapeutic Thursday Challenge - Speak Up & Seek Support

This whole week has been about the importance and effectiveness of daily self-care. You know, doing things each day that help you to relax and unwind, that help you to keep a healthy headspace. However,...
Wiggle It Wednesday Challenge - Exercise and Mental Health

Wiggle It Wednesday Challenge - Exercise and Mental Health

Exercise and your mental health. It is common knowledge that exercise is good for your physical health, but did you know that exercise can also be seriously good for your mental health? Research shows that...
Tips for Mindful Listening and Mindful Conversations

Tips for Mindful Listening and Mindful Conversations

There are two parts of any conversation, talking and listening. Listening takes time and effort, and it’s a skill that requires practice. Sometimes listening can be more challenging than speaking, especially if someone is confiding...
Mindful Apps

Mindful Apps

There are so many opportunities and possibilities to incorporate the practice of being mindful into your everyday life, such as Mindful Eating and Mindful Living but there are also some fantastic online resources out there...
Mindful Living

Mindful Living

Explore your senses in everything that you do! According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of being mindful is: 'the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions,...
Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

How much attention do you pay to your food? How quickly do you eat it? What does it taste like? How does it smell? What sort of texture is it? How it makes you feel...